Been the only child in the family and also the youngest makes you feel spoilt.. but my mother used to always know to keep a right balance and teach me everything about life at a very young age..
Mostly my fond memories of my mother will be when she's whipping up a yummy butter cake, eclairs or cream buns... she loved to cook and she loved to eat.. though she was a diabetic patient from her younger days and she was blind in one eye that never stopped her cooking for her little girl..
My Mom's family is the foodie family.. all my cousins and i used to always meet up on sundays and go out to all the sunday brunches and spend our days swimming and ofcourse eating!!
I used to be scrawning looking girl but with time you could say i have become bigger with my passion for food.. which i am not that proud about..
i guess my passion for food started from my mother's influence and ofcourse my father used to make the best pork chops and pastry's...
oh i nearly forgot we owned an ice cream parlour too.. home made italian ice cream.. the first ice cream parlour in Sri Lanka - Venice Ice Cream... unfortunately after a few years with all the new ice cream parlours and more cheaper places popping up we had to close down... but it was good while it lasted..
I should say my cousin who i treat as my elder brother is the one who loves his food and loves going out and trying out new things and his friend who was basically like my 2nd brother.. we 3 used to love going to new places in sri lanka and just try out all the dishes.. and i learnt my skills of ordering the best dish in the restaurant through them..
they even go to the extend of going into the kitchen and speaking to the chef.. so far i havent done that..
Our family has even a mix of japanese blood in it explains why we love our sushi and sashimi.. my uncle is married to a japanese lady and my cousins are half japanese but thier born and bred in Sri Lanka... and we get to eat home made sushi and sashimi and the list goes on...
anyways i could go on and on abt my family and how we love to eat, drink and dance.. i think its them who made me to become a foodie... and specially been the youngest and been the only child had its advantages...
Our family from my grandfather to me we love to entertain and give ppl to eat.. its in our blood and in our culture.. so with the influence of my family i have started my journey of a foodie with a true passion....
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